Sarah Hagan

Reception & Administration Support

Sarah Hagan is the friendly, welcoming face and voice of REMAX Property Sales: quite often the first contact clients and contractors experience when the phone or enter the Nambour office.

With over 18 years experience in the hospitality industry working in both Australia and New Zealand; Sarah is client focused and has a thorough understanding of just how vital to the health and success of any business that delivering exceptional customer service is.

In addition to her duties as receptionist, Sarah also provides administrative support to management, operations, and sales agents when required. Sarah relishes the variety of this role, finding the dynamic, busy environment both stimulating and motivating. She is able to quickly adapt to sudden changes and new processes, as well as reprioritize when needed.

Sarah embraces any opportunity to further upskill via in-house and external training provided by the REMAX group and is excited to be involved in any form of professional development.

When not working, Sarah enjoys hiking, pilates, paddleboarding, music, and theatre. Originally from Newcastle in the UK, she's a proud Geordie and a passionate football supporter.